Reading and Wishing
A few days back, I started reading Tuesdays with Morrie. Little, I had known about the context of the book. I picked it because its name popped up every now and then.
Saying this book has consumed me isn’t wrong. I get up, pick this book, read until my class starts, and re-read whenever I get time.
I am still not sure why I cry every time I read it. I feel as if there’s so much to learn from Morrie. I know I am carrying a lot from this book and I am pretty sure that if (definitely) I’ll read it again sometime in the future, I’ll carry so much again.
I am on 6th Tuesday, Morrie and Mitch seem to me as people, I know close enough. I wish to read, hear and listen to more from them.
Gotta read the pending pages.
Good Night….!!