In a class of 7, entered Sam, who loves to call himself a “Learning Person”. The same happened after countable log in’s and outs for his first-class today at Times School of Media which is running virtually for now.
From the perspective of an Advertising student, this was the class I was eagerly looking up to. Sam is here to expand our knowledge or as he says: COLLABORATE on the subject- Creativity and Campaign Planning.
And what a wonderful morning. I was not at all expecting to have such an interactive and fun session. There were ideas flowing, ads peeling, and creativity brewing. All thanks to Sam for his on-the-spot little tasks.
There’s so much that I am carrying away from this class today. I will be sharing a few of my learnings here and on my Twitter account. Here:
Oh BTW, Sam gave the idea of the headline, but I am still not sure if he meant Sam-witch (least expected as it doesn’t resonate with his personality) or Sam-wich.
He is the person behind Hajmola, Maggi, and other brand campaigns. What a pleasure to hear him.
Gotta go. I have another class in 10.